The Leadership

What You Will Learn

  • How to become a leader that people want to follow

  • How to become an organization that views change as a strength

  • How to develop your team to get the very best from them

  • How to become a more effective problem solver

Bob Aylward
The Author

Bob Aylward is a seasoned organizational leader with over 25 years of experience as the CEO of companies that operated in a variety of industries with differing ownership structures. He developed a proven track record of successfully leading organizations by focusing on culture, leadership development, organizational accountability, building sustained competitive advantage, implementing impactful market differentiators, and successful change management strategies.

Bob Aylward
Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker.

The Leadership Alchemist

Many individuals are promoted to leadership roles because they were very good at their prior position. Unfortunately, being good at a lower job is no guarantee that the individual has the skills to be a Great Leader. In The Leadership Alchemist, Bob Aylward presents a leadership philosophy that will give every leader the know-how to confidently lead any organization.

Praise for The Leadership Alchemist

What our Readers are saying about The Leadership Alchemist

Bob’s strategic insight and leadership approach has motivated me to be a better leader and has improved my company’s performance

Patrick Sweeney

Managing Partner at LandTek Partners LLC.

My firm placed Bob Aylward as CEO of Jones|Carter (now Quiddity) in 2015. I have followed him closely over the last 9 years and have seen his leadership alchemy firsthand. Bob is one of the finest CEOs on the planet and his book should be on the desk of every senior leader who aspires to greatness.

Rob Andrews

CEO of Allen-Austin

“Bob Aylward’s mentoring, and leadership is authentic, effective and impactful. I have been inspired by his coaching and leadership skills firsthand.”

Brenda Henwood

CEO and founder of FTBA

“Bob’s leadership philosophy put our company on the path to incredible success and growth. He changed the way we think and operate.”

Bryan Kennedy

Chairman of the Board at Quiddity Engineering